Use AQuickDelivery’ warehousing services for your inventory items and enjoy the following benefits:
- No Long-Term Commitment
- No Size Limits
- Insurance
- Optional Rack Slot Rental Plans
- Extra Rental Plan Features
There is no long-term commitment required for AQuickDelivery’ warehousing services. We offer a flexible week-to-week time period for your convenience. Our warehousing space is available in a variety of different sizes including floor space. Rack Slots are 4 x 4 x 4. Your inventory is always insured for a minimum of $5,000 per Rack Slot.
Rack Slot Rentals:
- Weekly (7 days) = $7.50
- Monthly (30 days) = $25.00
- Annual (365 days) = $275.00
Extra Rental Plan Options:
- In and Out Labor, Product Insurance
- Online Order Processing
- Inventory Control
- Generation of Final Destination Shipping Labels